zaterdag 15 juni 2013


I love the unusual, therefore these particular mixed salads are on my list of favorites! They are not just pretty sights, but they are delicious too! For the recipe's you should check Sweet Paul spring 2013 magazine!
 Red cabbage salad with feta & blueberries p.108
  Wild rice and blackberry salad with Chévre p.114


1. Chives are grown for their leaves, which are used for culinary purposes as a flavoring herb. Chives are used with pancakes, soups, quark dishes, fish and sandwiches. The flowers may also be used to garnish dishes.

2. The yellow legume seeds of lupins, commonly called lupine beans, were popular with the Romans. The name 'Lupin' derives from the Latin word 'Lupinus' (meaning 'of or belonging to a wolf') But the seeds are not just eaten by wolves. Lupin beans are commonly sold in a salty solution in jars (like olives and pickles) and can be served as an aperitif.

* photo's made in my vegetable garden plot